Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Long Time, No See

Hello there!

It's been far too long! As much as I would like to create one big fabulous post to cover the past three months, I won't bore you.

Just some things that have happened since November:

-I am a bonafied Belieber.

Not only is he beautiful, he is truly talented. The $30 I've spent on Never Say Never was worth it.

And, his music is perfect for lipsyncing alone on long drives but I've even found a version that non-beliebers can appreciate. 

-I went to NYC for NYE and then to Israel for an Alternative Winter Break. Both were awesome. For those of you who are curious, Times Square NYE is cool, but not fun. Do it once. Bucket List item for sure. 

-I have started the job search hardcore. At first I was afraid (I was petrified) of putting myself out there, but once I got the ball rolling, I am feeling good. I'm hoping that my hard work pays off and the connections I've made through the years will be there to help me out. 

-I went to my last home KU game as a student! Sad but awesome. I know I'll be back but it just made graduating that much more real. 

-School and Kansan life is good. Unfortunately I know that as soon as something miraculous happens on the job front, my motivation for school is gone. Loving Kansan life right now! All of our teams are performing so well and I am impressed more and more everyday by our new staff members!

I'll (hopefully) keep up with the blog, spilling my random thoughts and internet finds for all to see. 


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