Saturday, November 20, 2010

I'm Still An Animal...

For those of you who know me'll know that I have a slight obsession with finding new music. On Sunday Jen and I went to see Sara Bareilles at Liberty Hall and had an amazing time. Through a crazy turn of events we were able to meet her! She was so down to earth and chill. (There's a point to all of this I promise).

Jen and I with Sara!

While we were with Sara, we met her band, including her guitarist. Little did I know, that this same guitarist would be blowing up the blogosphere the next day.

Javier Dunn's (In the AC/DC shirt) cover of Miike Snow's "Animal" was on the homepage of every single music blog I follow. You can listen to it here.  It's pretty amazing.

Here is a vid of Sara singing her hit "King of Anything."

On some other notes, I have recently discovered breadpeople. Hilarious. and it's exactly how it sounds. 

Since burlesque,  I haven't gotten any new nail polish so I felt obliged to grab some of the new Essie Winter 2010 collection. I opted for Smokin' Hot and Luxedo. Perfection. 

Until next time...

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