Tuesday, March 15, 2011

If I could write you a song, to make you fall in love...

While most college students found out about Mike Posner last school year, I downloaded his first CD for free, when it was on iTunesU and have loved him since then.

I've given up on the "I found them first" argument in most cases, because now music travels so fast sometimes it's just too hard to keep up. One of my favorite things about Mike Posner is the remixes people make of his music. Thanks to the Hype Machine I have so many that are amazing.

Mike Posner vs. Deadmau5
Please Don't Go (DOSVEC Remix)

Rolling In The Deep (Adele Cover) by Mike Posner

Cooler Than Me
Cover by Neon Hitch
Background music "Breathe Me" by Sia

All three of these remixes/covers take his music to another level. I could listen to these all day.

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